Memory Medicine Calgary
Elevated Health Clinic
Questions? Give us a call:

Individuals concerned about developing Dementia

Do you have a family history of dementia?

Are you experiencing episodes of memory loss or “senior moments”?

Do you want to do everything you can to avoid this omnipotent disease?

This four-month program is designed to help those concerned about developing dementia.

Who is this program for?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this four-month program is designed to help you.

This program aims to assess the approximately 40 known contributory factors to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, based on the work of world-renowned neurologist Dr. Dale Bredesen.


What is included in this four-month program?
  • A total of 9 visits with a Naturopathic Doctor, Nurse practitioner and nutrition consultant.
  • Initial consultation and exam and two follow up consultations with each practitioner:
    • Naturopathic Doctor: Initial 1.5-hour consult, a 1.5 hour initial follow up and a second 30-minute follow up consultation.
    • Nurse practitioner: Initial 1-hour consult, and two 30-minute follow ups.
    • Nutrition consultant: three 1-hour consultations.
  • Complete nutrition assessment and two follow up consults to help support you on the best diet known to help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Review of current medications and supplements to help provide the ideal individualized supportive program for you.


  • Neurocognitive test: A non-invasive clinical procedure to efficiently and objectively assess a broad spectrum of brain function performance or domains under challenge. Sample PDF Report.
  • MoCA test.


  • ApoE4 gene risk factor assessment.
  • Full panel of blood work assessing vitamin levels, hormone levels, thyroid levels, general organ function, hydration levels, adequate protein intake, cholesterol and lipid levels, lipoprotein particle assessment, immune system function, inflammatory markers, iron levels, electrolyte markers and others.
  • Heavy metal toxicity testing.
  • Blood test to detect immune reactions to 29 different pathogens.
  • Blood test to assess intestinal antigenic permeability (aka Leaky gut).
  • Food sensitivity testing.
  • Vitamin D testing.

Imaging included in the plan

  • Dental assessment and consultation including Cone Bean CT Scan of Root Canals if indicated

What happens in the initial evaluation?

We will review medical and family history, assess medications and supplements, identify the specifics surrounding the concerning family traits or personal episodic experiences, perform physical exams including a cognitive assessment exam, order individual extensive lab work, and initiate a personalized treatment plan.

What other tests might be recommended?

These items might be recommended based on an individuals’ case but are NOT included in the program:
  • MRI of your brain with secondary assessment of volumetric analysis through Neuroreader.
  • Additional chemical and toxin panels.
  • Mold reactivity screens.
  • Additional gastrointestinal assessment panel.
  • Hormone metabolism panel.
  • Additional nutrient level assessment panels.


  • Total cost for the 4 month program: $4,500 CAD.

Contact Us

If you would like to sign up for a program or have any extra questions or concerns, then you can give us a call or fill out this form and our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.